Results for 'Rizamuhamedova Gulmira Bakiyevna'

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  1.  21
    Convergent technologies in science and innovations in Kazakhstan.Gulmira Kuzdeualiyevna Issayeva, Elmira Yelbergenovna Zhussipova, Alma Shorayevna Kuralbayeva, Madina Unaibekovna Beisenova, Gulbana Erzhigitovna Maulenkulova & Dinara Saparovna Zhakipbekova - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (4):411-424.
    As soon as the economy of Kazakhstan is highly resource‐oriented despite numerous efforts to change the structure of the national economy, constant assessment of the scientific and innovation sphere of the country is actual and important. By way of qualitative, quantitative, comparative, and descriptive analysis 13 indicators related to science and innovations were investigated to define the level of scientific and innovative development in Kazakhstan. Science and innovation in Kazakhstan are under‐financed and state‐based financing of innovative activities seems to be (...)
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    A Critical Review of Anti-Bullying Strategies: Analyzing Survey Results Across Regions.Marziya Assylbekova, Atemova Kalipa, Utemissova Gulmira, Baltabayeva Zhaniyat & Mukhambek Dilnur - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:404-413.
    Survey participants were asked to rate the effectiveness of different strategies for dealing with bullying on a scale from 1 to 5. The results of the survey, which were checked for reliability and accuracy, indicate that social support and avoidance of aggression are the preferred methods. An analysis of responses from adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 shows that many of them turn to their friends for comfort and support. The correlation coefficient is highest at age 14 (13.044), (...)
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  3.  11
    (1 other version)Religious context and its influence on banking sector regulation.Indira Smailova, Gulmira Bairkenova, Raissa Orsayeva, Assyl Sabitova & Ainur Ramazanova - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Cognitive foundations of the formation of communicative competencies in the theory of dialogue.Zhibek Issayeva, Karlygash Khamzina, Nazerke Karimbay, Gulmira Khassenova & Laila Kuleimenova - forthcoming - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics.
    The study of cognitive mechanisms involved in the process of developing communicative competencies, particularly from the perspective of dialogue theory, is relevant and necessary to improve communicative activity and its effectiveness. The purpose of this research is to study the cognitive-communicative interaction in the process of dialogical communication and the cognitive conditionality of the development of communicative competencies. The methods of frame, cognitive and communicative analysis, and the analytical-synthetic method were used in the study. The main frame structures of dialogic (...)
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    Ethnosemantic analysis of binary oppositions in toposystems.Zhanar M. Konyratbayeva, Ordaly Konyratbayev, Bekzhan Abdualyuly, Raikhan A. Doszhan & Gulmira Mahmut - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (258):93-114.
    The article considers regional issues of the Kazakh transtoposystem. There are a number of problematic issues related to cross-border Kazakh toponymy. The article analyzes only one aspect – the status of binary names in the cross-border toposystem. The goal is to study how obvious the binary opposition is there, considering the etymology of toponyms based on semantic opposition. The toposystem of the Northern and Western regions bordering Russia was used as the empirical material for the study. According to the border (...)
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